Epiphany Lyrics, Quotes And Messages with Wallpapers

Epiphany Card and Wallpaper Holiday of Epiphany

"Well, A Sort Of Epiphany: I Was In A Great Band. And It�s Very Cool To Be At 53 & Realize That When U Were A Kid U Were In A Great Band.
Writer: Bob Geldof...!!!
"The Notion Of A Contemporary Epiphany To Me Is Very Exciting, Because It�s A Sort Of Biblical Thing. It�s Something That Has Happened To People In Other Centuries Or In The Context Of Religious Experience...!!!"
Writer: Pamela Stephenson...!!!

Epiphany Holiday Card Wallpaper Black Red

"I Had An Epiphany A Few Years Ago Where I Was Out At A Celebrity Party & It Suddenly  Dawned On Me That I Had Yet To Meet A Celebrity Who Is As Smart & Interesting As Any  Of My Friends...!!!"
When I Accepted The Commission, I Had Something Of An Epiphany In The Research I Did About The Agency, Actually The Science Of Espionage. I Realized There Is A Connection Between The Sciences & The Invisible Forces Of Man...!!!"
Writer: James Sanborn...!!!

Epiphany Holiday Card Wallpaper Yellow

"By An Epiphany He Meant A Sudden Spiritual Manifestation, Whether In The Vulgarity Of Speech Or Of Gesture Or In A Memorable Phase Of The Mind Itself. He Believed That It Was For The Man Of Letters To Record These Epiphanies With Extreme Care, Seeing That They Themselves Are The Most Delicate & Evanescent Of Moments...!!!"
"Epiphany�s Live Show Has A Wild & Haunting Energy. The Rhythms Are Mesmerizing & Bet's 4 Octave Voice Is Stunning...!!!"

Epiphany Holiday Greetings Card Wallpaper

"Well, Rhoda Was, I Think, The Last Actress That We Saw. There Had Been So Many Wonderful Actresses Who Were Close, Really Close. But There Was No Magical Epiphany...!!!"
Writer: Mary Tyler Moore...!!!
"The Notion Of A Contemporary Epiphany To Me Is Very Exciting, Because It's A Sort Of Biblical Thing. It's Something That Has Happened To People In Other Centuries Or In The Context Of Religious Experience...!!!"
Writer: Pamela Stephenson...!!!

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