Idaho Human Rights Day 2015 Quotes and Images

Idaho Human Rights Day

"The Most Potent Weapon In The Hands Of The Oppressor Is The Mind Of The Oppressed...!!!"
Writer: Stephen Biko...!!!
"Everyone Has A Right 2 Peaceful Coexistence, The Basic Personal Freedoms, The Alleviation Of Suffering, & The Opportunity 2 Lead A Productive Life...!!!" 
Writer: Jimmy Carter...!!!
"Together V Can Prevent Genocide From Happening Again. 2gether V Can Make A Better Future 4 Our Children...!!!"
Writer: Dith Pran...!!!
"A Nation Or Civilization That Continues 2 Produce Soft Minded Men Purchases Its Own Spiritual Death On An Instalment Plan....!!!"
Writer: Martin Luther King Jr....!!!
I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. That is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant....!!!"
Writer: Martin Luther King Jr....!!!

Idaho Human Rights Day 01

"Never Doubt That A Small Group Of Thoughtful, Committed People Can Change The World. Indeed, It Is The Only Thing That Ever Has...!!!"
Writer: Margaret Mead...!!!
"Give 2 Every Human Being Every Right That U Claim 4 Urself...!!!"
Writer: Robert Ingersoll...!!!
"Peace Can Only Last Where Human Rights R Respected, Where The People R Fed, & Where Individuals & Nations R Free...!!!"
Writer: Dalai Lama...!!!
"A Community Is Democratic Only When The Humblest & Weakest Person Can Enjoy The Highest Civil, Economic, & Social Rights That The Biggest & Most Powerful Possess...!!!"
Writer: Philip Randolph...!!!
"We Ask 4 Nothing That Is Not Right, & Herein Lies The Great Power Of Our Demand...!!!"
Writer: Paul Robeson...!!!

Idaho Human Rights Day 03

"Together V Can Prevent Genocide From Happening Again. 2gether V Can Make A Better Future 4 Our Children...!!!"
Writer: Dith Pran...!!!
"U R A Human Being. U Have Rights Inherent In That Reality. U Have Dignity & Worth That Exists Prior 2 Law...!!!"
Writer: Lyn Beth Neylon...!!!
"If V All Discharge Our Duties, Rights Will Not B Far 2 Seek. If Leaving Duties Unperformed V Run After Rights, They Will Escape Us Like A Will O The Wisp...!!!"
Writer: Mohandas Gandhi...!!!
"The Evolution Of The Human Rights Movement Clearly Illustrates Humanity's Ongoing Struggle 2ward Creating A Better World...!!!"
"Peace Can Only Last Where Human Rights R Respected, Where The People R Fed, & Where Individuals  & Nations R Free...!!!"

Idaho Human Rights Day 04

"When I Give Food 2 The Poor, They Call Me A Saint. When I Ask Why The Poor Have No Food, They Call Me A Communist...!!!"
"Education Is A Better Safeguard Of Liberty Than A Standing Army...!!!" 
Writer: Edward Everett...!!!
"Education Is The Most Powerful Weapon Which U Can Use 2 Change The World...!!!"
Writer: Nelson Mandela...!!!
"All Human Beings R Born Free & Equal In Dignity & Rights.
They R Endowed With Reason & Conscience & Should Act 2wards One Another In A Spirit Of Brotherhood...!!!"
"Women Will Not Simply B Mainstreamer Into The Polluted Stream. Women R Changing The Stream, Making It Clean & Green & Safe 4 All Every Gender, Race, Creed, Sexual Orientation, Age, & Ability...!!!" 
Writer: Bella Abzug...!!!

Idaho Human Rights Day 05

"The Test 4 Whether R Not U Can Hold A Job Should Not B The Arrangement OF Ur Chromosomes...!!!"
Writer: Bella Abzug...!!!
"If V Mean 2 Have Heroes, Statesmen & Philosophers, V Should Have Learned Women...!!!"
Writer: Abigail Adams...!!!
"Women's Empowerment Is Intertwined With Respect 4 Human Rights...!!!"
Writer: Mahnaz Afkhami...!!!
"We Were Idealists. We Thought That When V Got The Vote The Whole Pattern Of Politics Would B Greatly Improved & Would  B Dominated By Women...!!!" 
Writer: Jessie Daniel Ames...!!!
"Gender Equality Is Critical 2 The Development & Peace Of Every Nation...!!!" 
Writer: Kofi Annan...!!!

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